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B 2 Blow Skillz
B 2 Blow Skillz Title Graphic
B 2 Blow Skillz - Part 1
B 2 Blow Skillz - Part 2
Conquest - Postcard

My name is Constance Beatrice James.


I thrive in springtime because I enjoy the rebirth of the year.  Flowers bloom and butterflies emerge from their cocoons...  The freshness of the air and the morning dew clears my mind.



War - Postcard

My name is Wendy Marie Lancaster.


The summer sun allows me to flex my strength.  I enjoy the outdoor activity.  The heat of long days fire my fury.  The hot sand and aroma of the surf tightens my muscles for the fight.


I am WAR.

Conquest - Person
War - Person
Pestilence - Postcard

My name is Patricia Anne Nance.


I smile as the swift autumn breeze tears the leaves from trees.  The color change of the foliage becomes muted.  I see the gray darkness as things decay in anticipation of renewal.



Pestilence - Person
Death - Postcard

My name is Desiree Brooke Stoner.


I embrace the cold dead of winter.  Although many enjoy the arrival of the long holidays, I appreciate the opposition.  The solitude of silence and crisp frost bring a warmth to my soul.



Death - Person

We are Sisters Apocalypta.

Where's Wekesa?
The Animal's Banter
Innovating New Worlds

Insanity-Print and Publish, LLC est. Oct. 2018.  Last Updated December 15, 2024.  Created with WIX.  Main site editor - the ArtDragon

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