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The Illustrated Answer

What is an Illustrative Consultancy?

Visual development has an extensive foundation in illustration.  The ArtDragon has always used illustration as his primary tool for creation.  It is important in the current age of technology to create content.  The content is ILLUSTRATION.  Insanity - Print and Publish, LLC will let you know if illustration is your answer.

The ArtDragon

Who is the ArtDragon?

The ArtDragon is a man who has been creating illustration with a variety of media since childhood.  His initial bout in college led him down the path of engineering in which he continued to cultivate his passion while he served in the military.  After leaving military service, the ArtDragon continued to pursue his education; however, this time he charged through to complete a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design.  He continued his education with Graphic Design and Instructional Design, but has used his requisite knowledge of engineering and mathematics as a resource to promote the complete package... This is his tetrad:



The Tetrad
The Escher SpaceStation

Insanity-Print and Publish, LLC est. Oct. 2018.  Last Updated December 15, 2024.  Created with WIX.  Main site editor - the ArtDragon

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